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2020 Entry Criteria

2020 年度參選準則

Entries for all Mind HK Media Awards 2020 categories must meet the criteria below. Entries that do not satisfy the criteria will not be considered. The awards are judged by an independent panel of media professionals, academics, and clinical professionals.

 Mind HK 媒體獎 2020 所有類別的參賽作品都必須符合以下條件。 不符合參賽準則的作品將不予考慮。 獎項將由媒體、精神健康界學者及臨床專業人士組成的獨立評審團進行評審。



To be eligible for the Mind HK Media Awards 2020, submission materials must have been broadcast or published in Hong Kong or have been available online between July 1 2019 and June 30 2020 (inclusive). Entries are now open: 

Mind HK 媒體獎 2020 的參賽作品必須在 2019 年 7 月 1 日至 2020 年 6 月 30 日期間於本港(包括網上)播出或發布。現正接受報名: 

Essential Criteria












Relevant content


  • The focus must be on mental health. Entries are likely to cover such mental health problems as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, phobias, psychosis, compulsive behaviours, post-traumatic stress disorders and the mental trauma of addiction.

  • Entries must have a substantial emphasis on Hong Kong and reflect substantial journalistic efforts conducted in Hong Kong.

  • Any challenge to the fairness or accuracy of an entry as well as the publication’s response to the challenge, including published corrections and clarifications, must be included in the nomination form.

  • All news, documentaries and journalism entries must give a voice to people with mental health problems and include at least one first hand testimony.

  • Entries should look in depth at the emotional impact of the mental health problem on the individual and/or friends and family of those affected.

  • Entries that focus purely on scientific issues such as testing new drug treatments, which do not include first hand testimony or tackle stigma, are not eligible.

  • The awards do not cover learning difficulties or learning disabilities such as Asperger or autism syndrome and will not include items about dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

  • 參選作品內容必須圍繞精神健康議題。內容可能涵蓋不同精神健康問題,例如抑鬱、焦慮、精神分裂症、躁狂抑鬱症、恐懼症、思覺失調、強迫行為、創傷後壓力症,以及成癮問題帶來的精神創傷等。

  • 參選作品必須以香港為重心,並且體現在香港進行的大量新聞工作。

  • 所有質疑作品的公平及準確性的評論,以及出版方對有關評論的回應,包括內容更正及澄清等,必須記錄在提名表格中。

  • 所有參選新聞、記錄片及文章必須表達精神疾病患者的聲音,並包括至少一項患者的親身表述。

  • 參賽作品應深入探討精神健康問題對患者和/或其家人及朋友的情緒影響。

  • 只專注於科學研究,例如新藥治療測試,但不包括患者親身表述或應對污名等內容的參選作品,並不符合參賽資格 。

  • 本獎項並不涵蓋學習困難或學習障礙(例如亞氏保加症或自閉症),也不包括認知障礙及阿茲海默症等項目。

Challenges perceptions of mental health


  • Prompts a debate about mental health and contributes towards tackling mental health stigma and discrimination.

  • Challenges myths and avoids stereotypes, clichés and negative terminology.

  • Adopts positive language about mental health problems and avoids sensationalism.

  • Promotes equality and encourages audiences to see people with mental health problems in the round and not just in relation to their diagnosis.

  • Reaches a wide audience unfamiliar with mental health problems and helps to improve public attitudes.

  • 引發有關精神健康的討論,為應對圍繞精神健康的污名和歧視做出貢獻。

  • 挑戰迷思,避免成見、舊有觀點和負面用語。

  • 採用正面語言描述精神健康問題,避免聳人聽聞。

  • 促進平等,鼓勵受眾全面了解精神疾病患者,而不只是關注他們所患病症的診斷。

  • 接觸廣大對精神疾病不甚熟悉的受眾,協助改善大眾對精神疾病的態度。


Well crafted and responsibly produced


  • Must be well researched and accurate.

  • News reporting must be balanced and fair.

  • Engaging and appropriate for the audience for which it was intended.

  • High production and editorial values.

  • Demonstrates originality and relevance.

  • Well structured.

  • Any challenge to the fairness or accuracy of an entry as well as the publication’s response to the challenge, including published corrections and clarifications, must be included in the nomination form.

  • 內容必須準確及經過充分研究。

  • 新聞報導必須公正持平。

  • 吸引及適合目標受眾觀看。

  • 高質量的製作、具有編輯價值。

  • 切題及展示原創性。

  • 結構良好。

  • 所有質疑作品的公平及準確性的評論,以及出版方對有關評論的回應,包括內容更正以及澄清等,必須記錄在參選表格中。


Safe for intended audiences


  • Journalists, programme-makers and film-makers have a duty to report and portray mental health problems responsibly and sensitively and should take all reasonable steps to avoid causing emotional or physical damage.

  • The portrayal of suicide and self-harm must be safe and and meet the recommendations of the Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention:

  • Entries must not provide explicit or technical details of suicide or self-harm as there is evidence to show that this can lead copycat behaviour. For example, specifying the number and type of tablets used in an overdose or showing someone self-harming.

  • Entries must not romanticise, glorify or simplify suicide or self-harm.

  • 記者、節目和電影製作人有義務以負責、謹慎的態度,報導及描述精神健康問題,並應採取一切合理措施,避免其作品對觀眾造成情緒或身體上的傷害。

  • 必須以安全方式描述自殺及自殘行為,並符合防止自殺研究中心的相關建議:

  • 參選作品不能提及自殺或自殘行為的清晰、技術性細節,因有研究顯示此種做法可能導致模仿行為。這些細節包括,指明過量使用藥品的數量和類型,或展示正在自殘的畫面。

  • 參賽作品不能浪漫化、美化或簡化自殺或自殘行為。


Can demonstrate reach and impact


  • All entries should be able to demonstrate impact on a Hong Kong audience either because they were broadcast on a Hong Kong terrestrial or satellite channel, published in Hong Kong or have been on theatrical general release in commercial cinemas in Hong Kong. If only available online, they must have originated in Hong Kong and/or were demonstrably marketed to and/or consumed by a Hong Kong audience.

  • Consideration will be given to the total audience reached, and whether the entry may have triggered additional media coverage or policy change.

  • Credit will also be given to material that reaches a wide demographic, particularly those less likely to be well informed about mental health.

  • For online entries, it is accepted that the audience may be narrower and a successful entry may be aimed at countering self-stigma or offering support and information to those affected by mental health problems.

  • For student journalist, it is accepted that entries may have limited reach if they are produced as part of a journalism course. They

  • will be judged on the understanding and sensitivity shown by the student journalist and recognise their potential.

  • 所有參選作品應能展示對本港受眾的影響,包括在香港固網電視或衛星頻道上播出、在香港出版或在香港戲院公開放映。如僅發表在網上,作品必須為本地原創和 / 或明顯以香港人作為主要受眾。

  • 作品吸引到多少受眾、是否引起更多媒體報導或政策改變,這些因素將被納入考慮範圍。

  • 若作品能吸引廣大受眾,尤其是對精神健康議題不甚了解的人群,同樣是加分項。

  • 對於網上參選作品,我們理解其受眾範圍可能相對狹窄,成功入圍的作品可以是關於如何面對自我污名,或為精神疾病患者提供支援和資訊。

  • 對於學生記者,我們理解作品作為新聞課程的一部分,受眾範圍或許有限。因此,評審將根據學生記者對議題的理解、敏感度,以評估作品潛力。



If you have any questions or are not sure if your work is eligible for submission, please contact us using the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


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