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Mind HK Media Awards 2020 Finalists

Mind HK 2020 媒體獎決賽入圍者及優勝者

The Mind HK Media Awards team is pleased to announce the Mind HK Media Awards 2020 finalists. The full list of finalists can be found here. The 2020 finalists were chosen from over 120 esteemed submissions and nominations and we are beyond impressed with the quality of work.

The winners were chosen by our judges, an independent panel of media professionals and mental health professionals. Learn more about our judges here.

All winners were announced at our virtual, Mind HK Media Awards event ceremony on April 22nd. Congratulations to all winners! Read their work below.



委員會從超過 120 份參賽作品中選出了 2020 年的決賽入圍者。入圍作品必須含有相關的精神健康內容,挑戰大眾對精神健康的固有觀念,透過精心且負責任的創作,向目標受眾提供安全可靠的資訊,並展示其影響力。


Mind HK 媒體獎在 4 月 22 日晚上舉辦了網上頒獎典禮,並宣布了所有獲獎者。再一次恭喜所有優勝者!在下方所有入圍及優勝作品。

Journalist (ENG)

Kate Whitehead [WINNER]

Mental Health during Coronavirus

South China Morning Post

Fiona Sun, Reporter

Emily Tsang, Editor

A series on mental wellbeing of the public amid Covid-19

South China Morning Post

Sasha Gonzales 

How to Lighten Up in More Ways than One 

South China Morning Post 

Journalist (CN)

Ip Tsz Wa

分享讓人快樂 「靜觀」5分鐘自救 學者勉港人:接納不能改變的 勇敢改變可變的

Hong Kong Economic Times


Cheng Wan Fung




Yiing Sze Fong [WINNER]




Broadcast, Film and Audio (ENG)

Pearl Magazine: Going Mental [WINNER]

Zela Chin

TVB Pearl Channel


Pearl Magazine: Stand By Me

Tina Jiang

TVB Pearl Channel 


Broadcast, Film and Audio (CN)

星期日檔案:當他們老去 [WINNER]

Ho Yan Lam

TVB Jade Channel



Tsz Ying Ng

TVB Finance & Information Channel

Young Journalist (ENG)

Tsz Yau Lai, student reporter [WINNER]

PARK So Weon, student reporter

TSANG Ka Yi, student editor

Broken Hearts of the City

Varsity, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK


Chloe Feng

Multimedia Project: “Art and Art Therapy: Solace during the Pandemic”

Capstone Project, Master of Journalism programme of HKU


Jingyan Lin (Reporter); Eurus Yiu (Editor)
An invisible wound: mental illness is troubling Hong Kong after anti-extradition bill protest

The Young Reporter


Young Journalist (CN)

AU Yee Fong (Angel) from ReMINDer

香港的精神健康:打破禁忌 | Mental Health in Hong Kong: Breaking the Taboo



蔡晨望, 梁敏琪 LEUNG, Man Ki [WINNER]

情緒疫症蔓延 民間自發搶救

大學線 Ubeat


Wai Cho Virgil Chui


Companion HK's FB page


Digital Champion (ENG)


Mad Med HK

Pauline Chow


Central_minds_therapy Instagram

Central Minds



Facebook #Hearforyou Mental Health Campaign [WINNER]

George Chen, Head of Public Policy, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mongolia, Facebook

Maggie Tam, Public Policy Manager, Hong Kong, Facebook
Jenny Yip, Manager, Corporate Communications, Facebook

Charles Chow, Politics & Government Outreach Manager, Facebook

Aurora Li, Government, Politics and Advocacy Partner Manager, Facebook


Digital Champion (CN)


Alexandra Cheung

Fairy’s Heart


Heart To Heart 心•照 - By the youth, for the youth [WINNER]

Marketing Team, Heart To Heart



Just a Moment

Instagram and Facebook

Making a Difference (ENG)


A series on mental wellbeing of the public amid Covid-19 [WINNER]

Fiona Sun & Emily Tsang

South China Morning Post


Pearl Magazine: Going Mental

Zela Chin

TVB Pearl Channel


Making a Difference (CN)


星期日檔案:當他們老去 [WINNER]

Ho Yan Lam

TVB Jade Channel


一位病友給 Elsa 的信


Stand News 立場新聞


說書人 Story Taler

Winnie W.S Mak PhD

Amanda C.M Li


Speaking Out (ENG)

How to lighten up, in more ways than one

Sasha Gonzales

South China Morning Post


Pearl Magazine: Going Mental [WINNER]

Zela Chin

TVB Pearl Channel

Speaking Out (CN)


情緒病患們的自白 [WINNER]

Yiing Sze Fong




Alexandra Cheung

Fairy’s Heart


Shell and Spines

Sze Wing Lam


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