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To be eligible for the Mind HK Media Awards 2020, programmes or articles must have been broadcast or published in Hong Kong or have been available online between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020 (inclusive). We will accept submissions in English or Chinese. Any questions, please email Submissions are open until December 18 2020, before 5 PM:

Mind HK 媒體獎 2020的呈交作品必須在 2019 年 7 月 1 日至 2020 年 6 月 30 日期間曾於本港(包括網上)播出或發佈。我們接受中文或英文的參賽作品。如有疑問,歡迎電郵至。請於2020年12月18日下午五時或之前提交作品:

Entry Fees: We are charging a minimal amount to cover costs for the Mind HK Media Awards. Profits made will be donated directly to Mind HK's projects.

​報名費用:費用將用作支持 Mind HK 媒體獎 的開支。所有利益將直接捐贈予 Mind HK 其他計劃及活動。

Journalist: Entry fee of HK$ 75 
記者:報名費用 HK$75


An individual journalist (print/online news articles/news column, writing in Cantonese or English) who has made an outstanding contribution to the understanding of mental health issues. Entries must originate in Hong Kong and be published from Hong Kong. Entries must be either a body of work from across the year, or an individual article which demonstrates significant research or investigative journalism.


Broadcast, Film, and Audio: Entry fee of HK$ 75
大眾廣播:報名費用 HK$75

A news feature, documentary, radio programme, podcast, drama or drama series, soap or film that covers mental health issues. These may be broadcast, available online or have been on theatrical general release in commercial cinemas, but they must have originated in Hong Kong. Entries can be individual programmes or a compilation of shorter excerpts, and can be in Cantonese or English. They should be able to demonstrate reach and impact.


Young Journalist : FREE TO ENTER

​A young person (age 24 or below) or group of young people/students from secondary school or university entering print, broadcast or online material developed/published in Hong Kong. This can be a piece of journalism or a piece of work completed for a class or independently. This can be in either Cantonese or English. Candidates who meet the Awards program criteria may nominate themselves. This category is also open to nominations; we encourage faculty members and teachers to nominate their own students. All mediums, from graphic design, to video, to blog posts, are welcome.


Digital Champion: Entry fee of HK$ 75 
網絡媒介: 報名費用 HK$75

“New” media category: open to bloggers, vloggers, Tweeters, Instagrammers, YouTubers, Tumblrites, illustrators, graphic designers and any individual online creators originating in Hong Kong, who embrace digital media to raise awareness about mental health or to support the mental health community. Entries can be in Cantonese or English and should include evidence of reach and impact.

「新媒體組別」: 此組別接受任何本地網媒、插畫家、設計師,或獨立網絡平台創作者,通過網絡平台提高大眾對精神健康關注或支持精神健康群體。歡迎廣東話或英文作品。作品須連同觸及率及影響力報告提交。

Making a Difference (Nominations only): FREE ​TO NOMINATE 
傑出貢獻 (僅接受提名): 提名費全免

Presented to an individual or organisation in recognition of their outstanding contribution to improving the portrayal of mental health in the media. The award is for those who set the agenda and initiate change. No separate entry required, these will be selected by the judges from the shortlisted entries. Candidates may not nominate themselves. Nominated submissions can be of any media form and in either English or Chinese.


Speaking Out (Nominations only): FREE TO NOMINATE 
勇敢發聲(僅接受提名): 提名費全免

Presented to an inspirational individual who has experienced mental health problems and shared their personal story. No separate entry required, these will be selected by the judges from the shortlisted entries. Nominated submissions are welcome; submissions can be of any media form and in either English or Chinese. 


Any questions, please email us at 

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